The Bible recognizes the role of man in the activities of the spiritual realm. Jesus, healing people, was often heard saying, “Your faith has healed you,” while on some other occasions, He lamented the little and faithlessness of some people. The apostles of Jesus in the epistles revealed human involvement in the act of the salvation of the human soul by the use of the conditional statements of “if,” as indicated in 1 Corinthians 15:2; Colossians 1:23; Hebrews 3:6, 14. This indicates that, to a large extent, God demands our cooperation through faith for fellowship.
Human spiritual activities are centered on faith. Faith is the link between the spiritual and physical realm, it is the avenue through which the physical and spiritual interact. It is the inner strength of man, the positive strength of the mind that brings about the manifestation of God’s power and positive life to bear on earth. It is the inner strength that drives us within to put in the weight of ability in our activities so that our best can surface for the benefit of the general humanity.
Spiritual strength, in essence, is simply the strength of faith. Your faith in God is simply the capacity of your trust and confidence in Him determined by your scriptural knowledge of Him. Your faith in life is depended on your the view you have about life that informs what you believe, which ultimately determines how you live. Death in a sense is faithlessness; the time we stop believing, death sets in. For instance, when we stop believing, trusting, and hoping in God, every evil that contravenes God’s will and promises seeks to take over our lives. What makes people depressed and even suicidal is because, for some reason, at some point in their lives, they stop living for what they believe they are meant to live for. At that point and in such situations, death sets in automatically.
Life is never meant to be left to chance. Man is meant to keep believing. We are believing-being. The moment we stop believing, we stop living and start dying naturally. Faith is the determinant of life and death. Spiritually, people give up on their spiritual ideals, sink deep, lose inner strength, and they are gone! Psychoanalysis has revealed how human physiology loses the strength to survive when the mind loses its strength. The central role faith plays in human life demands that careful attention should be given to faith. Faith is something to be taken seriously because it is the bedrock of life. It determines whether we live or die, whether we stand or fall, and it also drives the course of our lives and determines the impetus with which we live.
The quality and value of our lives are weighed by faith. Anything done outside faith lacks natural vitality and spiritual credibility. It is sinful to do anything without faith (Roman 14:23). For instance, any supposed service to God that is done without faith is deceptive and a futility (Hebrews 11:6), and any act of prayer done without faith is a vain religious ritual (James 1:6). The necessary questions we must often ask ourselves to keep us in check are: what is your faith in God, His name, and His word? And what is your faith in your God’s given natural and spiritual ability and gifts; how much faith or conviction do you have over your work or ministry? We can maintain a quality of life if we examine our lives frequently in the view of faith. Faith relates us to God (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is the basis for existence (Isaiah 7:9). Faith is the basis for prosperity (James 1:6). Faith is the basis for true righteousness (Romans 1:17).